An effective commercial health and safety structure is key to building employee awareness, eradicating complacency and improving overall compliance with health and safety. JMG Solutions Ltd will review your current health and safety procedures, performance, compliance, and awareness throughout the workforce. We will provide you with a full report and recommendations for ongoing improvement and to address your company’s training needs.
Why JMG Solutions?

An effective commercial health and safety structure is key to building employee awareness, eradicating complacency and improving overall compliance with health and safety. As part of designing and implementing a corporate health and safety management system for your company, JMG Solutions Ltd will review your current health and safety procedures, performance, compliance and awareness throughout the workforce. We will provide you with a full report and recommendations for ongoing improvement and to address your company’s training needs
JMG Solutions offers customisable safety consultancy solutions for our clients, tailored to their needs and requirements. We offer expert safety consultants who provide advice on the operational safety aspects of a clients’ business. These advisors manage the day-to-day safety needs for our clients whether that be in the office or on site, to both set up and maintain the safety standards for our clients.
JMG Solutions provides Safety Management Analysis, in which the current Safety Management System is reviewed and analysed, in order to improve and implement any missing elements. This includes, but isn’t limited to Accidents, Incidents, Near Miss Investigations, Fire Safety advice, Reporting of Safety Issues, Risk Assessment (RAMs), Hazardous Substance Management (COSHH, Method Statements etc.).
JMG Solutions Ltd have considerable experience in the development and implementation of health and safety management system’s including framework objectives around which good performance can be established and maintained with support in the development of a safety culture. JMG Solutions Ltd shall work with you to develop a non-bureaucratic system that is based on your needs that your staffs buy into and evolves and grows with your organisation.
JMG Solutions Ltd is a leading provider of ISO45001:2018 and Safety Management Systems, we work with a global network of clients for our expert safety consultancy services. Our services include the initial Gap Analysis and improvement plan, risk assessment standardisation, assisting in preparation for the pre-audits and certification audits, internal auditor training, maintenance of the certification once it is in place and anything else that is needed to get and maintain the certification.
- JMG Solutions Ltd has extensive experience in implementing effective safety management systems within all industrial and commercial sectors. Our clients vary greatly in size, complexity, and risk profile and are across a variety of different industries including manufacturing, construction, utilities, healthcare/nutrition, etc.,
- We use a scaled approach to your safety management needs – the approach for the small organisation and the large organisation must be proportionate and based on reasonable standards and available company resources at all times.
- JMG Solutions Ltd always use practical solutions for each individual client, so we ensure that key stakeholders are involved, from managers and supervisors to operators and safety representatives as appropriate
- We have particular experience with implementing the BS ISO 45001:2018 standard. We have several consultants who are trained to IRCA approved training standards.
Every other aspect of your business will have procedures in place to measure performance against strategic objectives, in other words where you are in comparison to where you want to be. Managing health and safety is no different.
Whether you have commercial or industrial premises and operate single or multinational sites, JMG Solutions Ltd have experienced and qualified auditors who can carry out an independent audit on all or part of your health and safety management system. Even if you have your own Health and Safety Team an independent view is always valuable.
After the audit is completed, you will receive an easy to understand, yet detailed report highlighting our observations and recommended actions which could be implemented to continuously improve on your health and safety performance.
JMG Solutions Ltd has extensive experience of carrying out audits of many different systems and locations, etc. These include, but are not limited to:
- Safety Management Systems (ISO 45001:2018)
- Environmental Management Systems (ISO 14001)
- Construction Projects (PSDP duties / PSCS duties)
- Company Work Locations
- Confined Spaces
A detailed Construction Audit may include a review of the following documents and systems (nonexhaustive):
- PSDP role
- PSCS role
- Client role
- Preliminary Health and Safety Plan(s)
- Construction Health and Safety Plan(s)
- Systems of work
- Method statements
- Risk assessments
- Existing site safety audits
- Permits
- Safety induction
- Toolbox talks
- Training records
- Safety file
Applicable Legislation
The Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 requires employers “to manage and conduct work activities in such a way as to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, safety, health and welfare of his or her employees”. The Construction Industry is one of the high-risk sectors in Ireland that result in significant numbers of injuries and fatalities. The Safety, Health, and Welfare (Construction) Regulations 2013 place new demands on Clients, Designers, Employers and Contractors. Conducting Health and Safety Audits is a proactive health and safety management tool to ensure the management of health and safety at work and legal compliance.
Effective accident investigation is a key measure in improving your company safety and/or risk management system. The investigation takes two reactive steps:
1st Stage
The accurate identification of the root cause and contributory factors of any accident is key to the whole process. It is very easy to go wrong at this stage of the investigation, and this error can be fatal. JMG Solutions Ltd experts will guide you through this process in an independent non-judgemental way
2nd Stage
The identification of practical and effective control measures that will prevent a recurrence of the event in the future. These measures will, if correct, effectively prevent future loss to your organisation whether it is human loss (fatalities or injuries) or financial loss (damage to equipment or raw material or product, etc.). The correct implementation of practical corrective measures will ensure the company makes great savings in the future in terms of human and financial costs.
JMG Solution’s Ltd has been involved in both civil and criminal cases. If JMG Solutions Ltd is appointed to investigate your accident or incident, we will apply our tried and tested methodology ensuring that you will learn valuable lessons for the investigation thereby preventing a recurrence of similar events and saving your organisation from avoidable costs in the future.
JMG Solutions Ltd have in the past worked with the HSA, Insurance companies and others in providing third party independent accident investigation where a serious accident or incident has occurred. Our accident investigation team will provide you with a comprehensive report of our findings following our investigation.
Applicable Legislation
Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, employers have a general duty to report prescribed accidents and dangerous occurrences to the Health and Safety Authority. Accident and Incident investigation is a reactive management tool to ensure that once an accident or incident has occurred that lessons are learnt, the underlying causes both technical and organisational are identified and corrective action is taken to prevent recurrence
Other services;
- Completion of IR1 and IR3 prescribed forms for the Health and Safety Authority
- Representing companies following serious accidents or incidents in dealing with the Health and Safety Authority
- Court attendance in civil claims (employer and employee)
- Court attendance in criminal prosecutions
Health & Safety legislation requires employers to carry out a “suitable and sufficient” assessment of the risks potentially faced by their employees whilst a work, plus risks to other persons not in their employment but affected by their undertaking. Using a proven, structured process, JMG Solutions Ltd are well placed and experienced in identifying key operational and perceived high-risk activities to ensure immediate exposures are adequately identified and controlled. Our practitioners will work as part of your team to assess your operation and associated hazards, providing the required level of control in minimising the risks without imposing unnecessary restrictions on the operation.
Section 19 of the Safety Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005 requires every employer to identify hazards in the workplace, assess the risk from these hazards and have a written risk assessment of the risks as they apply to persons exposed to them in the workplace. Workplace risk assessments, combined with the organisation’s safety statement, are absolute minimum requirements for legislative compliance for any company in Ireland today.
`Under current legislation the maximum fine for a Health and Safety related offence is €3000 on summary conviction and up to €3,000,000- or 2-years imprisonment on indictment. It is now widely recognised that effective workplace health and safety management actually contributes to business success, whereas accidents and ill health have costs, often hidden and underestimated.
JMG Solutions Ltd is a leading provider of Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) and Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) services..
JMG Solutions Ltd provides two main services under the 2013 Construction Regulations
(1) Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) Services
JMG Solutions Ltd provide top quality Project Supervisor Design Process (PSDP) services. Our construction consultants provide practical safety design inputs and solutions at the earliest stage in the design process – this early safety design intervention minimises costs to the client. JMG Solutions Ltd provide effective safety expertise to assist designers, architects, project managers, etc. in fulfilling the PSDP and Health & Safety Co-Ordinator roles.
(2) Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) Services
JMG Solutions Ltd provide top quality Safety Consultants and Safety Officers for Construction Projects nationally and internationally. These carefully selected consultants and safety officers ensure practical compliance with the Project Supervisor Construction Stage (PSCS) requirements.
JMG Solutions Ltd has a reputation for practicality during the construction phase and to ensure the schedule is not affected while at the same time not impacting safety. The key to our approach is good planning. We use simple tools such as field Risk Assessments and standardised Method Statements.
Applicable Irish Legislation
Under the Safety, Health and Welfare (Construction) Regulations 2013 new duties and responsibilities have been placed on PSDP in order to improve the health and safety in the construction industry by engaging all the participants in a project from conception to completion. The duties of the PSDP are to:
- Identify hazards arising from the design or from the technical,organisational, planning or time related aspects of the project
- Where possible, eliminate the hazards or reduce the risk
- Communicate necessary control measures, design assumptions or remaining risks to the PSCS so they can be dealt with in the Construction Safety and Health Plan
- Ensure that the work of designers is co-ordinated to ensure safety
- Organise co-operation between designers
- Prepare a written safety and health plan for any project where construction will take more than 500 person days or 30 working days or there is a particular risk and deliver it to the client prior to tender
- Prepare a safety file for the completed structure and give it to the client
- Notify the Authority and client of non-compliance with any written directions issued
- The PSDP may issue directions to designers or contractors or other
Other Specific CMSE Consultancy Services As Required Under the Irish Construction Regulations
- Meeting with and advising the client on the client`s duties and responsibilities under the Safety, Health and Welfare Act 2005
- Attending Design Team meetings and liaising with Design Team leader, as required, to fulfil the duties of PSDP under the Regulations recording health and safety issues, and ensuring that particular hazards and risks are addressed in an appropriate manner
- Preparation of a brief overall Design Safety Review to be issued to the Client summarising the risk assessments of all the designers (and the actions arising there from)
- Preparation of a Preliminary Health and Safety Plan for the construction of the project
- Assisting the client in assessing the competency and sufficiency of resources of Contractors to act both as Project Supervisor (Construction) Stage and as Contractors if requested
- Attending site and site meetings during the construction phase, as requested, fulfilling the duties of PSDP under the Regulations
- Preparation of a Safety File and issuing the PSDP Safety File to the Client
JMG Solutions Ltd specialists have extensive experience in Behavioural Based Safety programmes having worked in the area for many years. We provide practical support, training and solutions to our clients.
Why Use A Behaviour Based Safety Programme or System?
Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) systems came about to reduce accidents and their resultant costs. The costs can be human costs (in the form of death or injury) or financial costs (in the form of damage to equipment, raw material, product, etc.).
Accident causation studies (including ones by Du Pont, Heinrich and Kletz) highlight the fact that up to 96% of all accidents and incidents are caused by human error, with only 4% due to unsafe work conditions. So, Behaviour Based Safety focuses on worker behaviour and human factors rather than limiting itself to the traditional approach of engineering safeguards. The aim is to change behaviour and foster a positive, open safety culture. This in turn leads not only to reduced injuries and illness but also to improved morale, quality, performance and productivity.
Many HSE thinkers / managers believe that engaging, simplified, interesting and persuasive risk communications that ‘speaks’ to the audience is the best way to stimulate people’s engagement in HSE. They truly believe speaking at people is going to get employees involved in HSE. This points to a widespread and fundamental misunderstanding of what engagement actually means.
Employee Engagement (EE) is about people being fully involved in and enthusiastic about their work, and who act in a way that furthers their own, their colleagues and the company’s interests (a triple win-win). EE is measurable and can be correlated with performance. For example, studies have shown that where EE was high, employees were [a] five times less likely to experience a safety incident, and seven times less likely to have a lost-time safety incident, and [b] experience 62 per cent less overall safety incidents compared to companies with non-engaged employees. This evidence shows companies need to [1] wean employees off of a full dependence on management for safety, and [2] recognise that safety is a social activity where everyone has to work together as a TEAM (Together Everyone Achieves More!). Moving from a traditional ‘command and control’ model of safety to an ‘all-inclusive’ one is challenging, and requires a consistency of purpose, focus, and execution from all concerned, but is best achieved by creating a genuine safety partnership between managers and employees.
Experts in Health and Safety Consultancy
JMG Solutions upholds the highest standard of health and safety consultancy, in order to provide clients with the reassurance that the safety of their business is in the right hands. For any questions on Safety Consultancy, and how you can improve your businesses Safety Management System reach out to JMG today.
Open Roles
The recruitment team at JMG Solutions Ltd. provide both permanent and contract roles, across mainland Europe, within a variety of industries including construction, utilities, and manufacturing. Our specialised recruiters work with the top companies in the industry to match the right candidate with the right role. We work directly with clients to streamline the recruitment process and guide candidates through the recruitment process.